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Can’t Sleep? Here are 20 little helpers

Top things to do when you can’t sleep.


I don’t have to tell you that insomnia sucks. There is no other way to describe it. I still deal with it off and on my whole life but at least I know the things that need to be done when I start into my no sleeping phase. Getting to the route of why you aren’t  sleeping is the key to consistent sleep but until then, here are 20 things that may help. The best for me is when one thing stops working, I switch it out. This also goes for my sleeping herbs. I have 3 different ones that I rotate. If you want to know find the route cause, please make an appointment with me or look for something on my website.,

Going to bed early. Sometimes this isn’t possible. But studies show the most restorative sleep is from 10pm to 2am. So, if you can do that and that’s all the sleep that you get, that may be the key to you being productive.

No electronics an hour before bed. This one has always been hard for me since I fall asleep to the TV. First try reading. The absence of the light in your eyes from the TV will make a difference. If not, stay off of the computer and Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest. They do you no favors. You can get an app for your phone or laptop to darken the screen with a red background. They do work. There is an orange hue in the background and that may help but they may interfere with the way the phone or computer works. Twilight is an app that is great in so many ways . If you must watch TV, turn the brightness of the TV down, some people wear sunglasses and watch predictable boring shows that you can turn off anytime without needing to know the ending.


  • Castrol Oil and a Heating Pad So, this is my new favorite oil. I swear it does everything and one thing that it can do is help you sleep. You will need a heating pad or hot water bottle, castrol oil and a wool cloth. Just drizzle the castrol oil on the wool cloth, put it directly over your liver area. I usually have a hand towel over that and then the heating pad. I lay on it. Warning that the oil doesn’t come out of sheet and clothes easily so make sure you have a big towel on the bed and an old shirt.
  • Lay off the over-the-counters As strange as it sounds, these…PM drugs cause insomnia. The first night or two they may work, then sneakily it stops and it loads up in your body and you won’t sleep until it leaves. If it is working…it is not good for your liver. We need our liver to function right for proper sleep.
  • Melatonin this does not work for everyone but will work for a lot of people. Melatonin is a hormone that your body needs to sleep. Many people have success and many people are depressed the next day. So, it may not be for you in that case. If you do need it, you don’t usually need that much, just a little bump of melatonin to start the process. If you are getting sleepy…go to bed ASAP. Melatonin starts the process but is only secreted for a little while. This is another reason why it’s important not to stay up too late.
  • Earthing. What are earth is that? Earthing is what I find truly helpful to me especially after a long winter. It’s simple. Walk around barefoot  (best to be outside on the earth), Reconnect your energy with the earth. Our energy rhythm can be way off as we are busy at the computer, driving, surrounded by electronics. Barefoot, outside, 10 minutes without any electronics.



  • Light on the back of the knees. I wish I knew why it worked, It would sound less hoaky. Put a lamp on the floor and stand in front of it, facing the other way. Wear shorts or nothing at all. It just needs to get on your skin. Do it for about 10 minutes.
  • 5 HTP-Gaba This is amazing stuff. This is great for people who feel like they are having an electrical, adrenal or nervous issues. There are so many people who will find these things useful including diabetics. I always have some in stock at my office.
  • Blood sugar Your blood sugar can keep you up at night, If you eat too many carbs or sweets later in the day, your body needs to burn it before you sleep so if you don’t burn it then it may keep you up. Lay off the late night snacking of carbs and desserts. Try hummus and celery or sunbutter. That way if you need a bit of a snack, you won’t go to bed hungry and you can slee.  Chromium is a good way to bring that in balance and  
  • Bach Flowers for Anxiety This totally needs to be addressed. Some people who have suffered trauma deal with a night-time anxiety and don’t even realize it. We have all seen the little kid that doesn’t want to sleep because they are afraid they may miss something. It’s almost like that. If this is an issue, tell yourself that you are safe, things can get done tomorrow. You can think about them tomorrow because they will still be there tomorrow. Bach Flowers can actually rewire the frequency in your body to settle you down. If you make an appointment with me, I can make you your own remedy.
  • B6 for Anxiety If you have anxiety, then many time Vitamin B6 is a factor. Never buy the cheap stuff from a large store chain. You want to make sure that all of your supplements are real, food based, and actually work.
  • Lay off the processed foods. The salts and nitrates can keep you awake. The salts create an electric charge in your body. Go eat real food.
  • Hydrate Not right before bed but many people just need to drink some clean water. Don’t worry about the pH or if it’s fortified with electrolytes, try some old fashion distilled or reverse osmosis water. You will hydrate faster because it’s not busy with all the other stuff. Just…hydration. Plus the molecules are smaller so it can be more easily absorbed.
  • Get active I can’t say this enough…it does work.
  • Herbs may help. Valerian works well for a lot of people. But not for everyone. Kava Kava and chamomile at night and green tea in the day. I do have a few herbal supplements available including homeopathics to get you back in your circadian rhythm .



  • Darken Room. Seems to easy but if you haven’t tried it, then do. How many alarm clock lights and other lights do you have. Use an eye mask to cover your eyes if so the sunrise at 4 or 5 am doesn’t wake you and the street lights out side.
  • Address your spiritual and emotional issues. We are connected in all ways. If you need to seek help or confront your problems.
  • Meditate. I just got into this. Even if you don’t fall asleep, your body will get relaxed enough to repair. So when you wake up in the middle of the night, focus on your breathing. When other things pop in your head, recognize it and then focus on your breathing. Studies show that people that do this when they can’t sleep are just as productive as those who do sleep.



  • Get Massages Yes, I started out my health career as a massage therapist but that is not why I say it. It does work. It’s not the  luxury that many people try to convince themselves it is. I think we are probably the only country that thinks that. It is pretty necessary to have a balance proactive life.
  • Essential Oils We all use our sense of smell. It can bring back memories, make you hungry, let you know when danger is around and it can help you sleep. Essential oils like lavender are wonderful to the sense but help change your frequency in your body from fast to slow thus helping you relax and sleep.


This is just the beginning of the long list of things you can do. Remember if you are not sleeping and not doing anything about it, you probably won’t sleep. Just a little action sometimes can change everything about how much rest you get.

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